Frequently Asked Question

- Trademark technique
- 99.99% success rate
- Affordable fees for self-pay patients
- Over 40 years of experience
- Hundreds of Google reviews by satisfied patients

- Trademark technique
- 99.99% success rate
- Affordable fees for self-pay patients
- Over 40 years of experience
- Hundreds of Google reviews by satisfied patients
Vasectomy is the procedure of dividing the vas (the tube that delivers the sperm from the testis to the prostate) in order to prevent conception. It is the most common method of male contraception in this country where about 500,000 vasectomies are done each year. It is an elective surgical procedure to achieve sterility. Since vasectomy simply interrupts the delivery of the sperm, it does not change the hormonal function of the testis and sexual drive and ability remain intact. Since most of the semen is composed of fluid from the prostate, the semen will look the same. Although the man continues to have sexual intercourse and climax as before, his semen does not contain sperm and he cannot father a child following a vasectomy.
No scalpel-vasectomy is different from a conventional vasectomy in the way it is performed surgically. As the name of technique says it, no knife (scalpel) is used. An improved method of anesthesia helps make the procedure less painful.
The testes continue to produce sperm after vasectomy. They however face obstruction on their path to semen at the site of vasectomy. After living their life span (like many other cells) they die and are dissolved. The proteins and debris so produced are absorbed into body.